5 Lessons I Learned While Watching Quarantine

Watched Quarantine tonight. Ah, these movies are all the same...ultimately. But here are the top 5 things I learned while watching this gem.

1. No matter how little and cute the old lady is, if she's foaming at the mouth and trying to suckle on your neck you should probably kill her.

2. If society quarantines you in a building full of rabid folks and animals, say FUCK society, get infected, and spread the disease to as many people as you can.

3. If you are black, you are probably not going to survive (particularly if you turn your back on a mouth-foaming, rabies-infected, cute little girl). Same goes for Mexicans. :(

4. Although I'm all for dedicated journalism, documenting these events was probably slightly less important than surviving...actually, maybe not.

5. For the love of god - do not divide and conquer!! Sit on a goddamn couch with your guns, sledge hammers, golf clubs, cameras, and take em out as they come to you.

Oh wait, I have another one...

6. If the chick next to you is "kinda" covered in blood and missing a finger or two, she is probably lying when she says that she hasn't been bitten.

C'est ca.

I need more Hova leaks. haha


jaclyn said...

in the event of an attack by rabid bleeding zombie people, your weapon of choice would be:

a) fireman's axe
b) federal government sanctioned rifle
c) running video camera
d) bare hands, and legs to run UP the stairs with

i'm gonna have to say anyone who picks d) over the rest is just an idiot. if something runs at me trying to eat me, i think it's safe to say i'm gonna shoot the motherfucker given this is an option for me. as well as all the zombie buddies he/she creates. but that's just me.

mikacha said...

bahaha, aw zombie buddies.

i cant get over the fact that she was crawling around like an idiot in the dark. moron.

Maja said...

You should have skipped this one all together and gone with the original Spanish version: Rec. It's quite the awesome. AND...no black people dying first. No black people, period. Not that that's a plus! I'm not racist, I love Obama! I'm just saying...it's one less cliche.